Sunday 15 January 2012

Did That Really Just Happen..?!

We’ve all had them – embarrassing moments where you just want to shrivel up and die. Times where you feel the entire world is looking at you, judging your stupidity as you’re hopelessly wising that timetravel was a option. Let’s just say if awkward moments were a country I would be their queen.

As a means of overcoming these events I'm going to share them with you. As awful as they were, might as well get a blog post out of them right? Feel free to join me and share any moments of utter shame you’ve had over the past year.

Obviously my year included a series of embarrassing falls (see below - never gets old) and very very blonde moments, but here are a few embarrassments that I definitely wasn’t expecting.

1.  Comic Con 2011, NYC (Don’t ask, it was a Groupon deal) So, you know that feeling when you’ve been out the night before; you’ve woken up too early, but aren’t tired? You’re not really still drunk but would definitely fail a breathalyser test? No amount of perfume will mask the alcohol seeping through your pores?

Well imagine being in that state, in a room filled with people dressed as Stars Wars characters arguing over who would win in a fight, batman or superman. Odd situation to say the least.

My friends and I were in line to meet Tom Felton who plays Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter. We were discussing what we would say to him when we got to the desk. 

My options were “Em, really liked the movies…", "Is your hair colour natural or do you bleach?" and "So you’re like, super rich right…?" Basically, we were at a loss. As we approached him, my friend Cormac, whose sole mission is life, clearly, is to embarrass me, chimes in with “This girl is drunk.”

Let’s just say Draco Malfoy, with a look of shock and disapproval on his surprisingly handsome face, asking, "Are you intoxicated...?" is not my proudest moment.

Who's this girl?!

2.  My roommate Jen and I went to visit the Irish famine memorial one evening, more out of obligation than interest. Naturally, we wanted to take a picture to show where we had visited but there was no plaque or statue to stand beside. We decided to do a typical “Irish” pose as a substitute, deciding that an Irish jig would be most appropriate. You know the pose, basically the one the every cartoon leprechaun is attempting.

 Just as we realised that this was a memorial commemorating the millions who died in the famine and we were kind of being insensitive, a crowd of tourists comes around the corner, catching us mid-pose.

Not the most patriotic thing I have ever done.

3.  This one isn’t really embarrassing for me but just a cringe-worthy experience all round.
I’m not sure what we were expecting when we went to visit the Sex Museum but what we found was the definition of weird. I won’t go into details but the visitors comprised of a lot of creepy old men (alone) and a disturbing amount of families (why, god why?!).
I just wanted to remove myself from that room as fast as possible.

4.  Apparently my American college hired the building out to production companies in the summer to film TV shows, commercials etc.

They were filming a show, “White Collar” one day when I was going to the gym. Naturally, I didn’t take notice of the various signs around the building informing students of the filming schedules. I opened a door and found myself standing smack bang in between the two main actors as they were mid-scene. The frustration in the voice of the director when he yelled “Cut!” was apparent as everyone in the room glared at me.

Matt Bomer -
Didn't have a chance
 to appreciate his hotness

I managed to make out some sort of an apology before cringing my way out of there.

5.  For those of you that have ever lost their iPod, it’s really annoying right? You’re pretty pissed off and angry.

However, when my iPod came to an untimely death on the NYC subway tracks, I wish to god that was my reaction. I reacted as if I had lost my first born. I started sobbing uncontrollably on a train filled with people. Don't even ask why because I have no idea.  Very awkward. 

A few tried to console me, asking if I was okay. I think when I mentioned something about an iPod they just gave me a weird looked and edged away.

With the amount of “unusual” and “eccentric” people in New York, looking like the crazy girl on a subway train is definitely an achievement.  

6.  A similar experience happened to me on the bus back from a weekend trip to Ocean City, Maryland with  Jen. About an hour into the journey I started feeling really really sick. An hour later I thought I was going to die.
It must have been a bug or something but it felt like I was getting continuously stabbed all over my body. Along with the ungodly smell that surrounded our Greyhound bus and the 5 hours of travel we had ahead of us, I spent my time crying, trying to suppress my nausea and debating whether I would ask the bus driver to pull over so I could throw myself in front of one of the speeding cars on the motorway. Not dramatic at all.

When we arrived to Manhattan let’s just say I looked a little worse for wear. Sweat dripping from my ghost-like face, I stumbled towards my luggage as my fellow travellers looked on suspiciously. As Jen so eloquently put it “You looked like a crack- whore looking for a fix.”

7.  Before this year, I would have considered any wave above my shoulder enormous, proud of my ability and strength to survive such a massive tidal wave. Oh how naïve I was.

Standing in the sea in OC, staring at the wave coming towards me, I started to get nervous. It was easily two times my height and fast approaching. I began retreating to shore but I was too late. 

Next thing I know I’m being flung around underwater like a rag doll and I vaguely remember hitting something. As my legs finally recovered and were able to function again, I noticed a 5 year old lying next to me, crying.

So apparently I had cannonballed into the child and took him down with me. His parents rushed to his aid, as onlookers did little to hide their disapproval and disgust. I mean, jeez, it wasn’t my fault like?!  Relax.

To top it all off though, as I walked away I noticed the force of the wave had “readjusted” my bikini top too. Fab.

8.  I was mistaken for a stripper in a Las Vegas club(sitting down at a table I might add!) - not cool. Not cool at all.